Register ship nationality

On behalf of the Flag State, we will issue the Certificate of Registry and other necessary certificates, e.g., Special Voyage Permit, Ship Radio Station Licence, Minimum Safe Manning Certificate, Certificates under SOLAS, Certificates under MARPOL, International Tonnage Certificate, International Load Line (Exemption) Certificate.


PI Insurance MLIT request

We apply for Issuance of Certificate of Financial Security for the General Ships to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.

Damage survey

We inspect and prove the extent and cause of damaged cargo due to ship’s operation such as encounter of stormy weather during the voyage, crew error, etc.

Condition Survey

We will inspect whether the cargo is consistent with the sales contract, whether the cargo is in a normal condition, and whether there is any problem with the packing.

Ship Inspection, underwater inspection, seaworthiness test

We inspect and prove the state of ship ‘s hull, machine, cargo handling equipment, parts and fuel etc.

Inspection at the time of receipt / return of charter vessel


At the time of receipt / return of chartering vessel, we verify and certify the condition of hull, machine, cargo handling equipment, parts, fuel etc etc.

Sample collection and analysis

When unloading cargo etc, we take samples of loads, prove the contents, quality etc and prove it.

State inspection of trading vessels

When selling or buying a ship, we inspect and certify the state of hull, institution, cargo handling equipment, parts, fuel, etc.